Tuesday, 26 March 2013

list of props, actors, costume

actors- james, emily.

props and locations- mobile phone, white sheet, broken axe, diary, wrench, hammer, saw, shed, small one room, work bench

costumes- normal wear include black jacket dark t-shirt, black military boots, light brown long sleeve t-shirt and dark blue jeans-man.

dress,large coat, school bag, black shoes tights-woman.

risk assessment, recce report and shooting schedule.

shooting will take place every thursday during first period till about 12:30 if necessary this will include the all four of us as there are only two actors we need a director and someone to assist in the scenes .

risks are minimal most dangerous things are in shed meaning only james is in risk from splinters  and of dropping the axe which could break or cut something of, the floor is wet and there is a slight risk of tripping as i leave the shed as the door frame is slightly elevated.

locations will be small room is suffolk one this will be were most of the filming is done lighting there is hard as it has a large window in the back which lets in lots of lights and we are unable to cover it up, a good point is there is a small room inside of this that we can use as the area for the confrontation of the characters and the main hide antagonist.    

the other area will be my shed it is a large and dark area but me and my brother will only be filming in about a fifth of the space available as we only need the bench with work tools on it it is good for lighting as the lights have different switches meaning we can have it so the light only focuses on the bench and tools creating a dark and sinister feel which is helped but old rusted tools rooting wood and dusty webs.

sound research

sound research

sound in movies plays an important role in creating  atmosphere for a scene it can be used to create tension, comedy, fear, excitement and many more things and in some cases it is the lack of sound that draws the audience in.

diagetic sound is noise such as music, conversation or the wind that is coming from and is actually apart of the movie world this is easily spotted as all movies except silent movies include this.

non-diagetic is noise that is not apart of the movie world such as during a fight or chase seen in actions normally have music during it to add to the adrenaline a good example of this is in the opening of star wars they use the non-diagetic  theme tune os star wars as the text fades in to space
by convention a soundtrack can contain all kinds of music including music inspired by but not actually appearing in the movie; the score contains music by the original film’s composers

  in this trailer for god of war ascension they use an emotional song along with a video of the protagonists dead family as they were before their deaths and as the trailer continues we see his family turn to ash as it is revealed these are his memories and what have driven him in to an unstoppable rage this all used not just to see what happened to him but to also create a sense of sorrow and tragedy at his past. it is a non-diagetic song that has a women sing about her pain using very low slowish music as the trailer progress and the woman sing about how she cant hang on to the  her and another used to resemble Kratos and the memory of his wife and child

toby turners literal trailer uses the same music but to different affect by changing the lyrics to something funny as when Kratos’ daughter turns to ash he asks “baby, did your mum put sunblock on you” and replies no to add comedic affect instead of an emotional one, toby also does this at a time when both the music and Kratos show a emotional side as he falls in to a deep rage at the death of his loved ones by saying angry moment at Kratos at the end face but saying happy moment sad moment before that when it changes between his memories and the present all this is done to give the trailer a more light hearted and comedy fill then the original trailer